What rights and responsibilities does a legal guardian have?

Last modified: September 1, 2023
Estimated reading time: 1 min

A legal guardian in Malaysia has several rights and responsibilities pertaining to the care and well-being of the child. These rights and responsibilities include:

1. Custody and Care

The legal guardian has the right to have custody of the child and is responsible for providing care, protection, and guidance to the child.

2. Decision-Making

The legal guardian has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the child, including matters related to education, healthcare, religious upbringing, and general welfare. They have the responsibility to act in the best interests of the child and make decisions that promote the child’s well-being.

3. Financial Management

The legal guardian may have the responsibility to manage the child’s financial affairs, including the administration of any inheritance or assets left to the child. They must act in the child’s best interests and ensure proper management of the child’s financial resources.

4. Representation

The legal guardian has the authority to represent the child in legal matters and make legal decisions on their behalf.

It is important to note that the rights and responsibilities of a legal guardian may be subject to certain limitations or conditions imposed by the court or specified in the legal documentation appointing the guardian.

If you are appointing a legal guardian for your child, it is advisable to clearly outline their rights and responsibilities in your writing your Will. Koha has designated a box specially for you to input your remarks or instructions to your appointed guardian for their future use.

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