Pledge to NGOs

Other than encouraging and educating people to make legacy planning, one of our main objectives is to pledge RM100 Million to Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO). We want to cultivate a donation culture where people can still donate even after their lifetime through our platform. We want to make Malaysia a better place.

Issues we want to tackle

NGO’s goal does not lie in accomplishing a project alone. After the success of a certain project, NGOs would want to maintain contact with their beneficiaries and make sure continuous progress is happening. Apart from that, NGOs would also want to be able to help more individuals and communities depending on their needs. To do so, NGOs need to constantly acquire funds. In some cases, NGOs become complacent and simply wait for donations or previous supporters to contact them. This practice will in no way contribute to the successes of an NGO. Not having enough funds not only pose difficulties in accomplishing projects, but it also puts NGOs in jeopardy given that there are also many operational costs.

Furthermore, many NGOs are still relying on the traditional ways of advertising their mission and do not maximise the use of technology and the internet in advertising their campaign. Some, in fact, do not have their own website as all of these require their time and money.


  • We will host a page of charity organisations on our website under the charity semantic section (categorised charity section);
  • Our platform will facilitate donations by Testators to be directly transferred to the charity organisations; and
  • Our platform will enable a Testator to have an option whether they want to pledge or donate to the charity organisations periodically on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly subscription basis (during and after their lifetime)

Apply to List NGO
Want your NGO to be a part of our team? Fill up your details here!
Your NGO name as registered in JPBM/ROS (Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan Malaysia)
Registration Number as registered in JPBM/ROS
Phone Number of the Person in Charge of your NGO
As registered under your NGO, Include your Bank Account number, Bank Name, and Name of Account